Rejuvenate your Body and Mind without selling your souls to "the man"

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle with Jennifer E. Strachan Health and Wellness Fitness Exercises


LDAMS: August2024 Health and Wellness blog!

Jennifer E. Strachan dba LDAMS: August2024 blog...Health and Wellness Edition

In this photo/picture dated 7-31-24...yesterday...yes...I Jennifer E. Strachan am showing myself how much love and dedication I do put into taking care of myself...not only mental...the physical as well!  

Voices always says right size too thin...Either that or all sorts of negative comments from curvy fat gangs however, my response to all that piggy backing distorted noises: I am looking to trim some more!  No jokes!        

Jennifer E. Strachan listens more the voices who are positive vibrations and whose bodies are in shape - matching brains and beauty!

Exercise is something that must be added to the list that all must stop "waiting for..." to do it for them because: what is it?? Do the stories have legs???  

The general public can achieve the heights of feeling this good...only when it puts its minds and bodies in motion to do the necessary.  And there it all is...all of it!!!  And the crowd exists!!! No one else can do it for you!  Remember it's your bodies!

Remember: Always read between the lines and the fine print!

Join the health and fitness revolution!  

Jennifer E. Strachan...still will tell no lies! 

And if it is that you need the services of a skilled experienced certified Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Legal Technician/Multi Services Provider, then look no more! {Prices/fees/costs vary} LDAMS: jenniferestrachan | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree


Jennifer E. Strachan dba LDAM Jaunary 2024 blog...Health and Wellness Edition

Get ready for Summer months...for they are coming!!!

2024 "new you" so says everybody's voices within hearing distance.  But how many of you really do the performative actions for the healthy results they hope dream and/or wish for?

In this picture I wanted to take myself back in my memories...and the year was 2020...the month was January...The gym was 24/7 and behind me on the glass written are the words and numbers "Why IGX24"!  

So many reasons so little time.  

All I could do I've done and I still don't just speak the talk, I've worked the walk, walked the work and done and doing all tasks within my energetic power...keeping and staying safe healthy wealthy and wise by avoiding unhealthy foods and concepts pitfalls.

If you haven't already contacted me regarding becoming a gym buddy, now is the time!  You too can achieve the heights of feeling this good... only when you put your own body in motion to do the necessary.  No one else can do it for you!  Remember it's your bodies!

I enjoy exercising and maintaining my mental and physical health and I invite all of you to work on your health this time around again.  America and the world is full of gyms, etc. there are so many options.  

Please don't act to me as if you don't have a choice!    

Join the health and fitness revolution!  Need a fitness buddy? Interested in a fitness buddy?   

Contact: Jennifer E. Strachan...still will tell you no lies! 

And if it is that you need the services of a skilled experienced certified Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Multi Services Provider, then look no more! {Prices/fees/costs vary}:

LDAMS main website: Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS ( 


Are you fat yet...Are you blue in the face yet?

Like I said "I've been there doing that workout routine so many of you hate...really hate. But guess what all you A.I. freaks - you all love to do and feel as though without doing the necessary work you'll "gat" something good accomplished
but all commmentry from talking heads constant
slew of Idiotic ideas...Close but no cigar!

Psst - Brutal honesty: The secret to physical excercise is the fact that no one else can do it for you.

Exercise is as simple as just nose breathing!"

Join the health and fitness revolution! Need a fitness buddy? Interested in a fitness buddy? Contact: Jennifer E. Strachan...still will tell you no lies!

And if it is that you need the services of a skilled experienced certified Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Multi Services Provider, then look no more!
{Prices/fees/costs vary}

Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS main website:

I am Jennifer E. Strachan: Combat Exercise - Not here! Matter of fact like and love what you for yourself!

Full body physical routine each time! And If you put in good effort you might be tight in specific private parts and have a full rounded but just like me but the results will show on your very own full length bodies. Join the health and fitness revolution! Need a fitness buddy? Interested in a fitness buddy? Contact: Jennifer E. Strachan...still will tell you no lies! And if it is that you need the services of a skilled experienced certified Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Multi Services Provider, then look no more {Prices/fees/costs/ vary}: Jennifer E. Strachan d/b/a LDAMS main website:

  • Brooklyn, New York, United States

You've all looked and looked and been looking and with all the inquisitive noisy comments in the marketplace! Alot of time elapsed. Now it's real time, again! Contact for the gym exercise routine of your lives!

Jennifer E. Strachan dba LDAM Jaunary 2024 blog...Health and Wellness Edition

2024 "new you" so says everybody's voices within hearing distance.  But how many of you really do the performative actions for the healthy results they hope dream and/or wish for?

In this picture I wanted to take myself back in my memories...and the year was 2020...the month was January...The gym was 24/7 and behind me on the glass written are the words and numbers "Why IGX24"!  

So many reasons so little time.  

All I could do I've done and I still don't just speak the talk, I've worked the walk, walked the work and done and doing all tasks within my energetic power...keeping and staying safe healthy wealthy and wise by avoiding unhealthy foods and concepts pitfalls.

If you havn't already contacted me regarding becoming a gym buddy, now is the time!  You too can achieve the heights of feeling this good... only when you put your own body in motion to do the necessary.  No one else can do it for you!  Remember it's your bodies!

I enjoy excerising and maintaing my mental and physical health and I invite all of you to work on your health this time around again.  America and the world is full of gyms, etc. there are so many options.  

Please don't act to me as if you don't have a choice!    

Join the health and fitness revolution!  Need a fitness buddy? Interest in a fitness buddy?   Look no more!

Contact: Jennifer E. Strachan...still will tell you no lies!