01 Aug

Jennifer E. Strachan dba LDAMS: August2024 blog...Health and Wellness Edition

In this photo/picture dated 7-31-24...yesterday...yes...I Jennifer E. Strachan am showing myself how much love and dedication I do put into taking care of myself...not only mental...the physical as well!  

Voices always says right size too thin...Either that or all sorts of negative comments from curvy fat gangs however, my response to all that piggy backing distorted noises: I am looking to trim some more!  No jokes!        

Jennifer E. Strachan listens more the voices who are positive vibrations and whose bodies are in shape - matching brains and beauty!

Exercise is something that must be added to the list that all must stop "waiting for..." to do it for them because: what is it?? Do the stories have legs???  

The general public can achieve the heights of feeling this good...only when it puts its minds and bodies in motion to do the necessary.  And there it all is...all of it!!!  And the crowd exists!!! No one else can do it for you!  Remember it's your bodies!

Remember: Always read between the lines and the fine print!

Join the health and fitness revolution!  

Jennifer E. Strachan...still will tell no lies! 

And if it is that you need the services of a skilled experienced certified Paralegal/Legal Assistant/Legal Technician/Multi Services Provider, then look no more! {Prices/fees/costs vary} LDAMS: jenniferestrachan | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

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